Happy international women's day!

08 March 2023 Fun and Event

Today you should be extra proud to be a woman! 

Women's day has been celebrated on this date for over 100 years, and it is not going away any time soon!

This is a day to give some extra attention to the women in your life; call you mom, give a flower to the ladies at work, or give your girlfriends some extra attention. (We won’t say no to chocolate or a free drink)

Even though today is a day to celebrate, it’s important to remember the fight it has been and is to be a woman. Throughout history women has been oppressed, looked down on and been seen as objects. It has been an uphill battle to get to where many women are today and it's important to remember the women who made this possible.

Women has fought for our rights to vote, to get equal pay, and to get respect. We have come a long way with a lot of these issues, but many other countries around the world has not had the same opportunities to fight for their equality. It's important to support these women, especially today. 

It is also important to celebrate the transgender women today, it’s their day too!