Thinking of jumping on a plane and studying in the beautiful city of Chester?

Moving abroad can be scary and we want to make you feel as at home as possible. We have lots of International students as tenants and we make our letting process easy and simple.

Don’t have a UK based Guarantor?

Absolutely no problem at all! If you don’t have any relatives or family friends living in England who can sign your contract with you, don’t worry. We have various options we can talk you through to make sure that signing your contract is as straightforward as possible. Just send us an email or give us a call and one of our team will take the time to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us


But don’t just take our word for it….


"Da so viele Rückmeldungen in Englisch zu finden sind, dachte ich mir ich schreib mal eine in deutsch für eventuelle deutsche Erasmus Studenten, da abbey rentals in jeder Hinsicht zu empfehlen ist

Ich bin über das Erasmus Programm für ein Jahr nach Chester gekommen und wohne in einem Haus mit 5 Mitbewohner. Das Haus ist in einem hervorragenden Zustand (alles neu renoviert mit 2 hervorragenden Badezimmer). Das beste an abbey rentals sind jedoch die Ansprechpartner, welche einem bei jeglichen auch noch so kleinen Problemen sofort zur Seite stehen und helfen. Das war vorallem für mich als "Neuling" in einem vorerst komplett neuen fremden Land von riesigem Vorteil

Alles in allem ist abbey rentals nur zu empfehlen!"

(Translated by Google) Because so many responses are provided in English, I thought I would post one in German for any German Erasmus students since abbey rentals recommended in every way

I have come through the Erasmus program for one year to Chester and I live in a house with five roommates. The house is in excellent condition (all newly renovated with two excellent bathrooms). The best thing about abbey rentals however is the point of contact, even with the smallest problems they help. This is especially significant for me as a "newcomer" due to being completely new in a foreign country of immense advantage.

All in all, abbey rentals are the only I recommended!



More international student reviews coming soon...